
Driver feed - download and install packages...

Hi, I'm trying to download and install packages in drivers feed for an Optiplex 3020 but i recive this message

Error: cURL error while downloading package (transfer closed with 202565391 bytes remaining to read 18).

Anyone knows why this comes up and how to fix it?

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I received a similar error message with our 5570 drivers. We rebooted our Kace system and retried the drivers and they succeeded. - jboling 8 years ago
    • I rebooted also and now it worked :) thanks - jonkarpa 8 years ago
  • curl error is pretty generic. Here's an article on troubleshooting failed packages in general: https://support.software.dell.com/k1000-systems-management-appliance/kb/111308 - JasonEgg 8 years ago
  • Thanks - jonkarpa 8 years ago

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