Easy way to "run now" for specific list of machines?
Running scripts against labels is great, but sometimes I have a group of machines that aren't in a specific single label that I would still like to run a script for. The only way there seems to be able to do that at the moment is to manually enter each system name, and then run.
It would be great to get together a group of machines in advanced search, checkbox the ones I want, and then select "run script" in the drop-down.
In lieu of that, is there any other way to enter a list of machines into the "run now" box?
Answers (3)
Create a "Temporary Scripting" label and use the drop-down at inventory screen to apply it to selected machines. Select that label for "run now" and then remove machines from label once script completes.
You can also put ips in filter.
If I cannot create a smart label based on searchable criiteria in kace I create a custom software inventory item of what I was looking for that I needed to change, it could be a file or registry key, anything that falls under the custom rules explanation. I then create a label based on that custom inventory field.
I have a mostly workable solution. I have created a label called "Temp_Scripting" which I can apply as desired to a checklist of machines revealed by an advanced search at the inventory screen.
I can now run the script against that label. Once the script has completed I search on the machines in that label and remove them all.
Not that I'm aware of. If it's only a few machines it's easiest to add them manually. If it's a lot of machines, create a label for them. You may need to get a little creative to pinpoint the machines you want but usually it's doable. You can also use existing labels (label names = Label) and create rules against them to filter further or go beyond the 4 built in rules.