Error 1312 - A specified logon session does not exist.
I've called KACE support, and they can't figure this out either. The RSA is fully updated, I've recreated the KBE, and still nothing. It gets a valid IP address - I've built the KBE with the "admin" password that I've used for everything else. I have a couple RSA's that are doing this when booting into an x64 KBE that I made with the KBE manipulator:
Answers (3)
The password is set under Settings and Maintenance | General Settings.
At the command prompt, type:
notepad startnet.cmd
scroll through the file and look at your net use command, the password will be after www on that line. Make sure that is the password that is set under Settings and Maintenance | General Settings.
The correct syntax would be
net use y: \\\peinst password /user:www password
however, try this manually:
net use y: \\\peinst password /user:\www password
to see if that works.
have you tried to map a drive manually at the x: prompt and see what you get.
net use m: \\\peinst password /user:admin or
also check net use m: \\\peinst password /user:www
and you can type at the x:"notepad startnet.cmd" and scan down till you see the lines to call this and confirm there are no spaces or typo's in name.
could also be a SSL problem - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago