Error running driver_feed_mid_task.exe
I'm trying to add some HP drivers to a scripted XP install, so have added the Driver Feed workround, despite running version 3.4.54256 of the K2000.
However, I'm getting a "Variable used without being declared" error on line 2720 of driver_feed_mid_task.exe. The version of the exe is dated 16/05/2012
(Or should I not be trying to do this - I used driverharvest to capture and upload from the source machine, but they are not being installed by the scripted install)
Simon Bradley
Answers (1)
You shouldn't need to use the work around with a scripted install. It should do it automatically if the drivers are in the right location. \\k2\drivers_postinstall.
I entered my drivers manually for my Lenovos. In my case
If you navigate to
it will let you know the structure of the folders needed.
Hmm, thought I had seen somewhere that the mid task was needed, but it does indeed work without.
Thanks - bradlsi01 12 years ago -
The mid task was needed in 3.3. In 3.4 the task is automated for Scripted Installs. However, you can use the midtask for images.
I'll look to see about variable not being declared, as I usually declare all my variables, but certainly I must have missed one.
You can get more info on the driver feed mid tasks here:
Lead L3 Enterprise Solutions Engineer, K2000
If my response was helpful, please rate it! - cserrins 12 years ago