Evaluating a K1000 - Current IBM Endpoint user - scripting question
I appear to have hit my first roadblock. I am coming from an IBM Endpoint Manager environment where software distribution is easily kicked off immediately or scheduled.
1. For instance, lets say I have a package created in my current IEM system. I can open it, select the machines I want to deploy to and immediately start the deployment. Furthermore, I can easily bring up a list of target machines and see the status of the deployment on each PC down to what line of the script it’s currently on.I have been able to create and successfully run a small managed distribution ( just a simple .msi installer ), but I noticed that I could not force the install to start. It seemed that when I set the Action to “Execute Anytime” it wanted to wait for the agent to check back in, and even then it was random as to when it would actually run. Is there a way to push software to an agent without waiting?Also, I noticed you can list the status of all machines included in the install, but very little information is presented. It would be nice to see a percentage, or failure reason if one is given. Is this possible?
2. The most important thing I need the appliance to be able to do is somewhat complex scripted installs. Obviously this will be accomplished in the scripting section of the K1000.
Below is a script we use in conjunction with a set of files to install a core product for our engineers. Is something of this nature easily set up and executed? Right now, I just write most of my scripts by hand and import them like the one below:
//Killing existing ABC process if user left open
waithidden "{pathname of client folder of site "BESSupport"}\taskkill.exe" /F /IM ABC.exe
//Exporting registration keys prior to uninstall
waithidden reg export HKLM\SOFTWARE\ABC\ABC\Products c:\ABCreg.reg
//Uninstall V12.0
waithidden wmic product where name="ABC Solutions" call uninstall /nointeractive
if {x64 of operating system = true}
Folder Delete "C:\Program Files (x86)\ABC"
Folder Delete "C:\Program Files\ABC"
//Installing new version and reinstalling ICMS piece for full integration
wait "{pathname of system folder & "\msiexec.exe"}" /i "{(pathname of client folder of current site) & "\__Download\ABC Solutions Setup.msi"}" /qn
//Copy edited toolbars
if {x64 of operating system = true}
delete "c:\Program Files (x86)\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderNormal.tbr"
delete "c:\Program Files (x86)\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderStartup.tbr"
delete "c:\Program Files (x86)\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderWorkprint.tbr"
delete "c:\Program Files\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderNormal.tbr"
delete "c:\Program Files\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderStartup.tbr"
delete "c:\Program Files\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderWorkprint.tbr"
if {x64 of operating system = true}
copy __Download\"WorkOrderNormal.tbr" "c:\Program Files (x86)\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderNormal.tbr"
copy __Download\"WorkOrderStartup.tbr" "c:\Program Files (x86)\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderStartup.tbr"
copy __Download\"WorkOrderWorkprint.tbr" "c:\Program Files (x86)\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderWorkprint.tbr"
copy __Download\"WorkOrderNormal.tbr" "c:\Program Files\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderNormal.tbr"
copy __Download\"WorkOrderStartup.tbr" "c:\Program Files\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderStartup.tbr"
copy __Download\"WorkOrderWorkprint.tbr" "c:\Program Files\ABC\Apps\WorkOrderWorkprint.tbr"
//reimporting registration keys we exported earlier and deleting the merge file
waithidden reg import c:\ABCreg.reg
delete c:\ABCreg.reg
wait "{pathname of system folder & "\msiexec.exe"}" /i "{(pathname of client folder of current site) & "\__Download\setupicmsintegration.msi"}" /qn
//deleting Admin.dll if needed
if {x64 of operating system = true}
delete "C:\Program Files (x86)\ABC\ABCAdmin.dll"
delete "C:\Program Files\ABC\ABCAdmin.dll"
//Implements full rights for the local users to the target folder
if {X64 of operating system}
waithidden icacls "c:\Program Files (x86)\ABC" /grant:r BUILTIN\Users:F /T
waithidden icacls "c:\Program Files\ABC" /grant:r BUILTIN\Users:F /T
if {name of operating system = "WinXP"}
waithidden cacls "c:\Program Files\ABC" /E /T /C /G "Users":F
Answers (1)
To get distributions to run on demand. Add the label or machine names you want to the distribution. then go the the computer inventory page and forace and update for those machines, the install will take off in a couple of minutes.
for scripts you can create cmd files or bats to do the work and add them as a dependency to the scripts. if you want that to run hidden follow this blog:
http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/how-to-hide-running-a-batch-file-from-a-kscript-with-version-5-5 - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago