
Finale 2012 Silent Install

I'm looking for a silent install of Finale 2012 including the Garritan ARIA player and instruments. The main Finale application supports the "/S" switch but the other installs pop up with user prompts. Thanks for any guidance/suggestions.

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Answers (6)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt

Other installs? Can you clarify. If the application has multiple files for installation you would have to zip them up. Also does the application support the creation of an answer file that might work for all applications, similar to office and installation of all componets.  

  • Yes - there are 2 other executables that are called by the main application's silent installer. These are basically plug-ins and sound files. These unfortunately do not pass through the unattended install. I have a ticket in with their support directly - but wondered if anyone on this forum had any direct experience and feedback. - jegolf 12 years ago
Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt

I wonder if the appdeploy repackager would help out in building a single file for you?


 I know there are other commerical software repackaging tools out there that you might be able to do a 30 day trial and see if they work. 



Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

Is there a .ini file there which is calling the sequence of these installs. Try tweaking in there and you may get to add a silent switch for these applications there.

Posted by: ovdft 12 years ago
White Belt

I think I might have found away around the Garritan issue with the Finale 2012 installation.  It occured to me that if the Garritan Player files are not present, maybe the silent installation would just skip them.  My assumption was correct.  I just copy the InstallFinale.exe file along with my network monitor file to the system, run the installation and Finale 2012 installs.  I have not found any problems with the installation and it does not error out during the installation because all files are not present.  Hope this helps others.

Posted by: WGM_Jeff 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

Can you use 7zip to extract the files from the .exe? Alot of times you can extract the .msi's from the .exe and run them all silently.

  • Good suggestion - unfortunately this did not reveal any MSIs. - jegolf 12 years ago
Posted by: jegolf 12 years ago
Red Belt

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I did get the official word that there is no supported silent install for the Garritan products so my best option in this case is to try to use the Repackager to create my own custom MSIs. Thanks again for the replies.

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