Force close Chrome during managed install
We have a couple of applications we are pushing via Managed Installations through KACE and Chrome needs to be closed for the program to install.
I am having a hard time figuring out what parameters to enter to force close Chrome during the software push.
Answers (3)
Top Answer
AFAIK you can't do that via MSI command line switches for Chrome (I assume you're asking about Windows). The way to do it would be to run:
taskkill /IM "chrome.exe" /F
So if you wanted to use a Managed Installation (instead of a script), you would have to select "Override default installation" and check "Don't prepend msiexec.exe" and then have the "Full Command Line" be something like:
taskkill /IM "chrome.exe" /F && msiexec /i googlechrome.msi /qn /norestart