
Group Policy Object setting that displays a message that the user must acknowledge

I have been having trouble deploying software and running scripts via the K1000 and I found this in the manual...

Note: If a machine has an Active Directory or Group Policy Object setting that displays a message that the user must acknowledge before logging on, packages are not deployed and scripts do not run until the message is acknowledged.
We recently implemented a GPO that has a disclaimer that the user must acknowledge before logging on.  Is there a way to circumvent this using the KBOX?  I don't want to have to interrupt people while they are working to install packages, so the optimal option for me is to install the software while logged off.


3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • ... This might explain why we're having trouble too. I had no idea about that. I'd be interested in an answer to this too. - colbya 10 years ago
  • Have you tried running the scripts as "Local System"? - mramsdell 10 years ago
    • Yes. Managed Installs do not work either, they just sit there as "Not Installed" for days. - wd_bs 10 years ago
  • how about this... create an offline shell script to run when the user logs in. the shell script can create a scheduled task to install the application on "On disconnect from a user session". this is the same as log off. Im not sure if it will work but it is worth a try. - mramsdell 10 years ago

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