How do I count cores?
Microsoft have changed their licensig for Windows Server 2012, and we can't count machines with the OS any more to track the license usage. It's now charged per processor.
How do I do that with K1000 smart labels please?
Answers (2)
It's not a label, but something like this will work in a report.
SELECT NAME, PROCESSORS FROM MACHINE #You might need to change this line. I'm not sure if Kace sees it as Server 2012. WHERE OS_NAME LIKE '%SERVER 2012%' ORDER BY PROCESSORS
It should see it as server 2012. Windows usually IDs properly regardless if it's supported or not. My screenshot was from 2008 Datacenter and that's definitely not supported. - jknox 12 years ago
It's part of the computer's inventory:
There is an option for processors in the smart label wizard, but it doesn't have any ability to show cores by default in a smart label that I am aware of. There might be an option if you modify the label in MySQL, but I'm not familiar with it.
I think I would want to build a report out of the reporting wizard that listed server operating systems and processor models for this, at least initially.
Someone that knows MySQL better can probably show how the KBOX inventories cores.