How do I list the questions I have asked on IT Ninja?
I came back to see if my Ask had attreacted any helpful answers, but it's a bit of slog getting back to it.
a) how do I search for My Asks
b) how do I Subscribe it so when I get an answer I get an email?
Answers (2)
Under interests you can check all your questions you asked, plus those that you follow. If you get an answer it will show under your activity feed.
For the emails I would vote here. It seems like it should be available soon, but Bob would have a better answer.
I think part a is an issue of better search capabilities. For instance I have often wanted to go back an reference a comment that I know I made on a previous question but I can't seem to easily search for comments made by a specific user (me, in this case).
I suppose I should post that in the uservoice forum. :)
For now, you should be able to use a google search for it. Something like this would probably work:
{username} {answer topic} - jknox 12 years ago-
Go ahead and post that. It'll get my votes. I've done the same thing where I know I've answered before. I can never seem to find it again though. - dugullett 12 years ago