How does the Patch Detect work?
How does the detection function?
If I set a schedule to detect at 1:00pm for 300 devices;
Does it detect them all at once?
If the device is unavailable (power off or not connected to the network) does the detect job wait for the Device to report and then runs the detect?
Does the detect attempt more then once and if so does it time out and if so after how long?
If I run a second job to detect (before a deploy), will it erase what was detected earlier and start over?
Does a device have to be online for a detect, or does it do the detection from the DB (inventory on Kace)?
I've google and searched the Dell site and I have found nothing to answer these basic question.
I would think you would need to know how the detect functions to be able to deploy successfully.
Thanks in Advance
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