How to deploy 'add printer' script on demand?
So, I know how to create a series of batch files to use prnmngr to add a network printer, but by creating a script, it will only run to selected machines, labels, or all endpoints. If I want to push the script to a unique machine, the script has to be edited.
Is there a way this could be set up as a managed install so that end users can pull the install to simplify adding a network printer or is there a way I can more quickly push the script to selected machines w/out having to amend the script every time?
Answers (1)
You can use the User Downloads, that a user can do it by himself.
You can also use the Scripting |Run Now and choose the script and the machine(s) you want to run the script on.
I have user downloads setup for each printer so the user can install whatever one they might need.
Mine are setup as scripts using the rundll32 command:
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /in /n "\\Print-server\printer" - ShawnInTexas 5 years ago-
I'll be damned!! I hadn't visited the downloads module since updating to version 9. I didn't realize there were so many more options.
Thanks very much! - Brady Williams 5 years ago-
One more question... in the"Downloads" section, there is a column named "Category". However, I see now option to edit the category when creating/editing the Download item.
Where on earth do I find that? - Brady Williams 5 years ago -
Currently the Category is not populated. It will be possible in the future again.
It will take the option from the attached software item. - Nico_K 5 years ago