Is there a way to script a report to get usage/activity for computers?
Hi, is there a way in KACE to get a usage report or number of logins over a period of time? We're wanting to see how often some of our public lab machines are being used.
The "last activity date" function under "other" is not working
Answers (1)
Not a great way to do this built in as far as I'm aware. We often get requests to see who logged into a machine when there is damage or to just see use. This is what I have in place broken into 3 parts...
1) Group Policy - This captures their log in time and dumps it to a file. It's a powershell script. (user side, logon script) If you don't use Group Policy, I'm sure there are other means to generate this file on login. (run registry for example)
$date = (Get-Date).toString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
Add-Content "Login TimeStamp: [$date] | Username: [$env:USERNAME] | Computer: [$env:COMPUTERNAME]" -path "$ENV:SystemDrive\Temp\Login.log"
2) Kace - Custom Inventory rule to pull in log file. (last 45 entries)
ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /q /c powershell.exe -command "Get-Content -tail 45 C:\temp\Login.log")
3) Report - Create a report that has the custom inventory rule created, and whatever other fields needed. (Serial number, computer name, etc)