Issues with pushing out scripts via KACE - maybe there is a better way?
I'm new to scripting with KACE. Previously we were using SCCM and I could easily make packages to push out whatever file/batch I wanted and am looking to do something similar with KACE. So my current scenario is that I want to push out the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller to a group of machines. The issue is that they have various old versions of Flash Player so I want to do a blanket push that sends and runs this file on all of them. In my script I have the following:
Windows Runs As: Local System
User Notify: (not notifying)
Dependencies: uninstall_flash_player.exe
(I also tried including the batch file to run the program as a dependency which did not work either, currently I am not doing it that way)
On Success:
Launch A Program
File: uninstall_flash_player.exe
Wait For Completion checked
Parameters: -uninstall
Windows Runs As: Local System
User Notify: (not notifying)
Dependencies: uninstall_flash_player.exe
(I also tried including the batch file to run the program as a dependency which did not work either, currently I am not doing it that way)
On Success:
Launch A Program
File: uninstall_flash_player.exe
Wait For Completion checked
Parameters: -uninstall
So when I run that it is pulling the uninstall_flash_player.exe to the target computer (it shows under C:\ProgramData\Dell\Kace\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\65) but it is seemingly not running it and flash player is not removed. Side note: If I use a batch file, the file literally just tells it to run: uninstall_flash_player.exe -uninstall and that has always worked fine.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?
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[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchClient::DumpState] Launch State: Command="Flashplayerunistall.bat" WorkingDir="C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\65" Timeout=3600000 ShouldDetach=0 ShowWindow=0 Redirect_stdout=1 Redirect_stderr=0 Desktop=winsta0\default Using Wait_Override=0
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchUtils::DoesTokenH] DoesTokenHaveLSAPriviledges returning: 1
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchUtils::GetIdOfAct] GetIdOfActiveUser: SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE: 2(18) There are no more files.
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchUtils::IsSessionA] IsSessionActive: connectState=0
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchSession::CreateSe] KLaunchSession::CreateSessionOnDesktop
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchSession::CreateTo] KLaunchSession::CreateToken
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchSession::CreateSe] KLaunchSession::CreateSessionOnDesktop Run as current user "SYSTEM"
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchClientImpl::Launc] KLaunchClientImpl::LaunchInSession()
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchClientImpl::Setup] KLaunchClientImpl::SetupStartInfo *Don't CreateStdPipe StdIn Pipe (disabled)
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchClientImpl::Launc] KLaunchClientImpl::LaunchInSession IsBatchCommand cmd=[CMD.EXE /C "C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\65\Flashplayerunistall.bat"]
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchClientImpl::Launc] KLaunchClientImpl::LaunchInSession cmd=[CMD.EXE /C "C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\65\Flashplayerunistall.bat"] path=[C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\65]
[2018-09-10.16:40:36][runkbot:KLaunchClientImpl::Launc] KLaunchClientImpl::LaunchInSession - CreateProcessAsUser returned successfully
[2018-09-10.16:40:38][runkbot:KLaunchClientImpl::ReadS] KLaunchClientImpl::ReadStdPipe End of ReadStdPipe method
[2018-09-10.16:40:38][runkbot:KLaunchClientImpl::Proce] KLaunchClientImpl::ProcessResults - End
[2018-09-10.16:40:38][runkbot:ProcessOps_LaunchProgram] runkbot ----- completed ----- - winterelegy 6 years ago
Scripting › Run Now Status › Run Now Status Detail
You should have information about pending or failed execution there.
Also if not, try to target just one machine for now. - Channeler 6 years ago
Output Log
Running as SYSTEM
Launched Process: uninstall_flash_player.exe
Activity Log
verify - on_verify_success
verify - on_verify_failure
verify - launch_program
Launching program: 'C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\65\uninstall_flash_player.exe' '-uninstall' wait='true'
Debug Log
Running kbot: runkbot 65 1536614261
KBotScript::LogScriptInfo - Start
id=65 name=DCD - Flashplayer Uninstall version=1536614261 type=policy
execute disconnected=false logged_off=true
execute events
KBotScript::LogScriptInfo - Finish
KBotScript::LogScriptInfo - Start
id=65 name=DCD - Flashplayer Uninstall version=1536614261 type=policy
execute disconnected=false logged_off=true
execute events
KBotScript::LogScriptInfo - Finish
KBotScriptManager::CleanupDependencies - clean up dependencies in kbot directory C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\\packages\kbots\65\
CleanupDependencies: file uninstall_flash_player.exe is part of the dependency list, keep the file
runkbot ----- launching [path='C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\65' program='uninstall_flash_player.exe' parms='-uninstall' wait='true'] -----
runkbot ----- completed [exitCode=0] ----- - winterelegy 6 years ago