
K1000: Script performance issues.


I am having some weird issues with script performance on our Kace Systems Management installation. 
They either deploy immediately or take 10 minutes to deploy but mostly time-out after 10 minutes. 

Online Kscript doesn't give feedback about the status of the scripts, so I switched to online shell scripts for certain procedures, which gives me some feedback about the process and more often than not the script backs out with an agent timeout error. 

It doesn't seem to matter how many machines get targeted, the complexity of the task or what time of day it is. 
Does anyone have a clue in what direction I have to look for a solution? 

The network load doesn't seem to be hitting any critical levels either. 

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I don't have any bright ideas for fixes, unfortunately. I would try to identify patterns (reproducible on certain computers and/or certain scripts) and then contact support. For troubleshooting, it might be helpful to look at a device's "task status" during the time a script should run. View task status by going to Control Panel > Support > Display Agent task status (under the "Troubleshooting Tools" heading) - JasonEgg 6 years ago

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