
K1000 V6 provisioning is very slow...


After i have upgrade my k1000 v5 to v6, provisioning is very slow, i do not have change parameters.

Provisioning is launched each day at 12.00am, usually provisioning lasts about two hour, but now is very long...

Could you help me please ? Have you tips for optimize it ?



2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Why do you reprovision so often ? - Jbr32 10 years ago
  • I have new computer each week and i would like provisionning all computers. - gjoubert 10 years ago

Answers (5)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt

By default backups occur at 2am this could be adding to your schedule.  You should be running provisioning at a time when the majority of your machines are on so they will get done. I have 16 different provisions running any where from 8:20am thru 5pm with at least 30 minutes between tasks so the Kbox is not over whelmed.  I have not noticed much if any time increase in my provision tasks.

Posted by: gjoubert 10 years ago
Blue Belt

I have see a new problem, only new mac are provisionning, i do not have provisionning for new windows computer. 

  • Under provisoning results what error are you seeing?

    I was having a glitch at first telling the ports were not available on some machines, even though they were. I was seeing the error in provisioning results that the ports were not available. I just went ahead and checked bypass port check and now I am 90% provisioned since in three working days. - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Posted by: gjoubert 10 years ago
Blue Belt


I do not have error when i lauch a provisioning (result is ok), but description of the first icon is "Unable to attach this device managed by an agent"

I have see an other problem, new computer with Windows 8.1 Update 1 is not provisioning

and always provisioning is very slow, if i would like to scan all network is very long (more 1 day), before when i use kace 5.4 is more faster (approximately 4 hours)

Picture is result and my provisionning configuration, could you check it, it is ok ?

Thanks for your help.

Posted by: gjoubert 10 years ago
Blue Belt
hello, i have already the same problem and now provisionning not started, have you an idea ?
Posted by: gjoubert 10 years ago
Blue Belt

I spaced provisioning task 30 minutes, is it possible to allocate more resources to the provisioning ? (charging my k1000 is very low (max 0.5))


  • no, cannot adjust resource allocation to certain tasks. Provisioning is meant to be a background task, The only way you could make a scan run faster is to cut the scan into smaller pieces and have more of them. - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago

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