
K2000 3.6 and powershell scripts


I'm using a powershell script to change letters of partitions as a post-install script. Since I upgrade my K2000, it looks like this script is not execute as administrator anymore. UAC is deactivate before executing the scripts, but the scripts windows are not showing as title "administrator : c:\windows\..."

How can i run post install scripts as administrator?

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
no resolution that I can find thus far.
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt

see what dugullett posted


Posted by: gwir 10 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt

Found the solution here (in french) http://www.leblogosd.fr/wordpress/lancer-un-script-powershell-depuis-un-batch/ :

xcopy “%~dp0*.*” c:\windows\temp\ /s /y /e
powershell -noprofile -command “Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass LocalMachine”
powershell -file C:\windows\temp\myPowershellScript.ps1

Then put the bat file with the ps1 in zip file and upload it in the K2000


  • sorry but this solution doesn't work so the original question still remains unresolved. - bflood2000 10 years ago
    • what is command line in Kace then supposed to be? - bflood2000 10 years ago
      • Put theses three line in a file call install.bat, then create a zip file containing your powershell script and the install.bat, then create an application task in the K2000 and upload in it the zip file. The command line in kace is "install.bat" - gwir 10 years ago
  • Thank you for this info. - bflood2000 10 years ago
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