K2000 3.6 - Rebooting during post-install tasks?
In an older version of KACE, we were using a custom script by KACE (runonce converter) that would allow us to set multiple reboots during post-install tasks (some software requires this and we run into some issues with certain software). I'm having problems with it in 3.6, and recall reading something last week somewhere that mentioned 3.6 allows for easy reboots.
What is the best way to go about this, and have post-install tasks continue where they left off after reboot?
Answers (3)
We haven't updated our K2000 to 3.6 yet, but my understanding is, if you go and edit the task itself, there is a new option - "Reboot required" - that you can check. Also, my understanding is that with the new Task Engine you don't need the PostInstall Task Converter anymore either.
We haven't updated our K2000 to 3.6 yet, but my understanding is, if you go and edit the task itself, there is a new option - "Reboot required" - that you can check. Also, my understanding is that with the new Task Engine you don't need the PostInstall Task Converter anymore either.
Ha. beat me to it. Sorry for essentially posting the same thing. - Kevino2010 10 years ago
Post Install Task Converter should not be used with 3.6.
The checkbox to which you are referring will take care of a reboot for you, you just need to make sure that your autologin count matches how many reboots you need.
Lead T3 Enterprise Solutions Consultant, K2000
... so much for me hoping it would automatically add the autologin, which is what my scripts would do, example:
Reboot Task
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /V AutoAdminLogon /T REG_SZ /F /D "1"
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /V AutoLogonCount /T REG_DWORD /F /D 1
shutdown /f /r /t 5
taskkill /f /IM runonce.exe
start /wait ping -n 30
I suppose I could move the Registry lines to the end of the the command which needs the reboot, or otherwise will have to double check the config section for autologin count is exactly right.
I'm guessing my current ones won't work as it's not runonce.exe being used now is it? Although... from task manager runonce is there... maybe I need to kill runonce and then taskengine.exe ?
What does the reboot required checkbox actually do? Same as my task above? - AJStevens 10 years ago