K2000 How to deploy scripted install to multiple machines simultaneously
K2000 How to deploy scripted install to multiple machines simultaneously
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On the K2000, on the left, select Deployments->Automated Deployments:
On the right, select 'New Boot Action'
On the next screen:
1. Name your Deployment (usually what the image is for: standard image, "Business Office," "Admins," etc.)
2. Select the source of the image which is usually your K2000 but could be an RSA if you have one.
3. Select your deployment: this is your script installation.
4. Set your schedule.
5. Set the type of cast.
6. Select your device(s) by MAC address.
What we did here in a testing phase was:
1. Install Dell Command|Configure on a device
2. Script a boot reorder that would call Dell C|C to change from HDD as the first device to the NIC as the first device, and then restart the machine.
3. When the machine restarted and NIC booted, if it was a targeted device in my Automated Deployment, it would enter straight into the KBE and Kace would begin deploying the selected image.
4. The first post-install task of the image was to revert the boot order back to default.
But do read the admin guide left below by akmagnum. It is very helpful, but in a nutshell, this is how we used automated deployments. We don't really use them all that often, but they are especially useful for re-imaging in-place, especially if a machine goes completely fubar or jacked with viruses and malware and we have already preserved important data, or do not need to. - rskwire 6 years ago