K2000 not applying the computer name
I'm using the getcomputername.exe along with the command line of Getcomputername-x64as a preinstallation task. The dialog box comes up and I am able to input in a pc name. As a Mid-Level task I have the Apply_Computer_Name Task. When I look at the computer name after the image is deployed, the name is not set.
However, in the unattend.xml file that is placed on the server, the name is correct. It seems like the unattend.xml is not being used to inject the computer name into my syspreped image.
Answers (2)
You should use getcomputername.exe for 32bit KBE and getcomputername_x64.exe for 64bit KBE, not both. Each accepts the same commandline parameters.
You should be using setcomputername.exe or setcomputername_x64.exe as the midlevel task, not the built in apply computername task.
Where is the location of the unattend.xml on the workstation?
Is this an image or a scripted install?
If its an image, is the image sysprepped?
Lead T3 Enterprise Solutions Consultant, K2000
Yes, it is an image and it is sysprepped.
It puts the unattend.xml that it builds in C:\Windows\Panther. I am certainly a bit confused as to where I need to put the file so that Kace reads it during image depolyment.
I am using getcomputername_x64.exe and setcomputername_x64.exe to no avail.
Wolfgang - anonymous_107616 10 years ago
After alot of reading on this site and a few others, it turns out that it is fairly simple to do.
First, one needs to follow Corey's advice above and use getcomputername_x64 as a Preinstallation task. I moved it all of the way to the top of the list.
The midlevel task was a bit more complex, but sake of easy reading, the setcomputername_64 task is second. Because I am using version 3.6 of the appliance, I had to put the exe in a zip file, upload it, and change the job to simply run the exe.
For the fun part, I had to create an unattended.xml file. Using the Sysprep Creator on this site was the shorter route to create the file with the options that I wanted. Once the file was created, I copied it out to the petemp directory on my appliance. Next I created a copy job to run right before the setcomputername_64 task that copies the file to C:\Windows\Panther.
It works like a charm!
Getcomputername task must run prior to any partition/formatting task or it won't get the name.
The setcomputername task does not need to be in a .zip, and should run directly from an application midlevel task as just 'setcomputername_x64.exe' (The start /wait is for 3.5 and lower). If the machine was sysprepped correctly, there should already be an unattend.xml in \windows\panther on the deployment drive. You could do a manual deployment and then search the drive for it to make sure. Also, there is a /debug switch that can be used that will run through the steps of the script is doing so you can find the error.
'setcomputername_x64.exe /debug'
Corey - cserrins 10 years ago