K2000 Offboard Storage: Any success stories?
My K2 is reaching its storage capacity and so I will be adding a device to serve as off-board storage. Looking at the KB http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/K2000-Storage-TechNote?action=artikel&id=1129 I see that Kace supports Synology DSM and NETGear ReadyNAS.
My question is if anybody has had any success with this, and what device did they end up using?
Answers (3)
We switched to using WIM imaging on the K2000. I capture and deploy the wim via Kace from our windows main storage at each site. I only store the Mac images on the k2000 all windows images are stored externally. I have about 500-600 gigs worth of w7 images. Two advantages I found doing this is it is much faster to deploy a WIM and the load on the K2000 is very low, I have had over 120 boxes deploying successfully at the same time from a single k2000 server. My logs currently show staff deploying 3 different images to 57 machines and I am capturing a new image at the same time.
Use the KBE manipulator to create different boot enviroments that map the t: and w: drives to the windows boxes for capture and use a pre installation task to map the proper server for that image at the first step in deployment.
as example:
net use w: /delete
net use w: \\ms-acad.acad.tmcc.edu\images$ password /user:acad\username