K2000 version 3.6.98680; scripted install fails on Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4013.4013 post install task.
I recently updated to version 3.6.98680 of the K2000.
During my Windows 7 x64 scripted installs, I get a failure error message when I install SEP via a post install task. The error I get is "Return code 1" and then "Unknown error". I've run this in the past on my scripted installs without error.
In the past I just ran setup.exe to install it, but I noticed by default it goes and does a live update after the install. This was never a problem on 3.5, but I was thinking this was causing the error on 3.6 so I changed the install to block the live update and block reboots. This is the command I'm running now: setup.exe /v"/qn RUNLIVEUPDATE=0"
I still get the failure message on 3.6 after doing this. I have to hit resume build after this runs, and the rest of my build completes successfully. After it finishes I log on and can see SEP was installed correctly. I tried just plain setup.exe and got the same result.
What is causing this error on version 3.6 of the K2000 and how can I prevent it?
I think you'd share more details.
You mentioned an error but:
1-Is this a scripted install or an image deployment? If this is an image is the image sysprepped?
2-What is the exact nature of the error? Were you able to grab some logs? How it looks like?
3-What is the target OS?
4-Are you sure than the SETUP.EXE is not trying during the process to install a device driver?
5-What happens if you create on VMWARE a VANILLA OS (install the OS and stop, no join domain no antivirus) and then you try to launch manually from a command line the same installation command? Are you prompted in any way?
This material should be enough to start with an analysis of the issue.
Kind regards,
Marco. - StockTrader 10 years ago
2. I don't know where to look for the logs, as it happens in a scripted install.
4. I've never seen an antivirus try to install a driver.
5. It would work. I've run the script on a physical machine and it works. Also, the installer works in the KACE build, it just throws an error during the scripted install forcing me to click resume. - edwimb 10 years ago
some of them are installing drivers especially if they are not only antivirus but if they have a DLP / Intrusion Prevention functionality.
Do you know if there is a way to download the agent? I'd like to see what happens in my environment.
Have you opened already a case with the support?
Marco - StockTrader 10 years ago
I don't think SEP is free to download. Yes I have a ticket open. They told me to put it in a .bat file, which didn't work. - edwimb 10 years ago
Really weird :(.
I'd suggest to give to them the MSI so they can reproduce the issue in house.
Marco - StockTrader 10 years ago
I went with the msi and it is working. - edwimb 10 years ago
This is the command I run against my SEP zip file if this helps:
msiexec /i "sep64.msi" /passive /norestart RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 - edwimb 10 years ago