K2100 while deploying image size 7.8GB is taking 3+ hrs to copy image. Why is this so slow???
Created an image size 7.8GB and deployed it to machines set up on a v-lan to image server (Kace 2100). First 4-5 machines started fast but as I added more machines, the htt://SERVERNAME/boot/?/iEUFI/Sources/boot.wim takes longer and longer to complete and continue on to Imaging menu. Then when I deploy the image, the copying image part has been running for over 3 hrs. Why is it being so slow?
I am running 18 machines through a switch to the image server.
I am running 18 machines through a switch to the image server.
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Is your switch 1gb or is it a 100mb - TimHR 7 years ago
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7 years ago