Kace agent deployment with CLONEPREP doesn't working
I'm trying to create an Windows image with the Kace agent (7.1), but the CLONEPREP parameter is not working.
I've copied the .msi installer from kbox and run the command:
msiexec /i ampinstaller.msi /passive HOST=mykbox.com CLONEPREP=yes
I've tried to use "1" instead of "yes" on CLONEPREP parameter, but the result was the same.
After the installation, the agent doesn't start (as expected) and I reboot the Windows (just to test).
When the Windows starts, the folder C:\Programdata\Dell\Kace only have the user folder and 3 files (KONEA_STARTED among them). The amp.conf wasn't created, as the rest of the files.
If i go to the ProgramFiles folder and run AMPTools.exe resetconf HOST=mykbox.com everything goes fine and the computer starts to report.
Why the agent isn't starting on the first attempt with Windows.
(sorry, bad english)
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