KACE Script to see what computers left on my domain that do not already have KACE installed.
I have over 900 computers and I need a Powershell script that I can run that will produce a spreadsheet of computers that are missing KACE. Is there a script already out there like this?
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
I don't have a PowerShell script to check for the KACE agent, but I did write a Tenable SecurityCenter audit to check for it. I originally wrote this for Dell KACE, but after Quest bought I changed to Quest. If you're using that, hope this helps.
# Verifies the Quest KACE Agent is running and connected to a KACE server## Required Services# AMPWatchDog Quest KACE Agent WatchDog# OfflineScheduler Quest KACE Offline Scheduler# konea Quest KACE One Agent## Required Files # AMPWatchDog.exe %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quest\KACE# KSchedulerSvc.exe %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quest\KACE# konea.exe %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quest\KACE# KACE 8.0 installs the files under "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quest\KACE" or "%ProgramFiles%\Quest\KACE"# 2017-10-23 - Initial version for 7.2 - Each item created a separate Plugin ID# 2017-11-28 - Updated to check for 7.2 and 8.0; a single Plugin ID is created rather than an ID for each check# 2017-11-29 - Updated to work with 64-bit or 32-bit Windows (was originally only checking 64-bit Windows)<check_type:"Windows" version:"2"> <group_policy:"Quest KACE Agent is installed and set to Automatic"> <if> <condition type:"and"> <if> <condition type:"or"> <custom_item> type: FILE_CHECK description: "File: Quest KACE Agent WatchDog Exists" value_type: POLICY_TEXT value_data: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quest\KACE\AMPWatchDog.exe" file_option: MUST_EXIST </custom_item> <custom_item> type: FILE_CHECK description: "File: Quest KACE Agent WatchDog Exists" value_type: POLICY_TEXT value_data: "%ProgramFiles%\Quest\KACE\AMPWatchDog.exe" file_option: MUST_EXIST </custom_item> </condition> <then> <report type:"PASSED"> description: "Quest KACE Agent WatchDog file exists" </report> </then> <else> <report type:"FAILED"> description: "Quest KACE Agent WatchDog file exists" </report> </else> </if> <if> <condition type:"or"> <custom_item> type: FILE_CHECK description: "File: Quest KACE Offline Scheduler Exists" value_type: POLICY_TEXT value_data: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quest\KACE\KSchedulerSvc.exe" file_option: MUST_EXIST </custom_item> <custom_item> type: FILE_CHECK description: "File: Quest KACE Offline Scheduler Exists" value_type: POLICY_TEXT value_data: "%ProgramFiles%\Quest\KACE\KSchedulerSvc.exe" file_option: MUST_EXIST </custom_item> </condition> <then> <report type:"PASSED"> description: "Quest KACE Agent Offline Scheduler file exists" </report> </then> <else> <report type:"FAILED"> description: "Quest KACE Agent Offline Scheduler file exists" </report> </else> </if> <if> <condition type:"or"> <custom_item> type: FILE_CHECK description: "File: Quest KACE One Agent Exists" value_type: POLICY_TEXT value_data: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quest\KACE\konea.exe" file_option: MUST_EXIST </custom_item> <custom_item> type: FILE_CHECK description: "File: Quest KACE One Agent Exists" value_type: POLICY_TEXT value_data: "%ProgramFiles%\Quest\KACE\konea.exe" file_option: MUST_EXIST </custom_item> </condition> <then> <report type:"PASSED"> description: "Quest KACE Agent One Agent file exists" </report> </then> <else> <report type:"FAILED"> description: "Quest KACE Agent One Agent file exists" </report> </else> </if> <custom_item> type : SERVICE_POLICY description : "Service: Quest KACE Agent WatchDog is Automatic" value_type : SERVICE_SET service_name : "AMPWatchDog" value_data : "Automatic" svc_option: CAN_NOT_BE_NULL </custom_item> <custom_item> type : SERVICE_POLICY description : "Service: Quest KACE Offline Scheduler is Automatic" value_type : SERVICE_SET service_name : "OfflineScheduler" value_data : "Automatic" svc_option: CAN_NOT_BE_NULL </custom_item> <custom_item> type : SERVICE_POLICY description : "Service: Quest KACE One Agent is Automatic" value_type : SERVICE_SET service_name : "konea" value_data : "Automatic" svc_option: CAN_NOT_BE_NULL </custom_item> </condition> <then> <report type:"PASSED"> description: "Quest KACE Agent is installed and set to Automatic" </report> </then> <else> <report type:"FAILED"> description: "Quest KACE Agent is installed and set to Automatic" </report> </else> </if> </group_policy></check_type>