KACE Scripting - Pointing to a remote powershell script
How does it work when no dependencies are added to a KACE script, but rather it just points to and runs a remote powershell script?
For example, if I pushed this out to many devices, is it able to run as expected or would they conflict by trying to access the same script all at once? Perhaps things are more linear and less simultaneous than I'm imagining?
Could someone walk me through how KACE handles something like this?
Script example:
On Success
Launch “C:\Windows\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe” with params “-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ”\\software-support-server\testProgram.ps1“
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Why can't you upload the script as a dependency in your kscript? - flip1001 4 years ago
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4 years ago