KACE SMA shows an error message when I want to filter my devices
Hello everyone
The KACE console shows me this message when I filter my devices
"Error retrieving data from this page"
"Refresh the page. If the error persists, try resetting the default page layout"
Ya intente con diferentes navegadores y tambien intente loguearme de http a https y sigue igual
Tambien cambie la actualizacion automatica de 30 seg a 5 min y sigo igual.
Tambien reestableci el diseño de la pagina predeterminada y tampoco
Alguien ha podido resolver este error?
Answers (3)
Sorry for the image is too small
The error originates in Inventory / Devices and just when wanting to filter in the Status column this error appears
"Error retrieving data from this page"
"Refresh the page. If the error persists, try resetting the default page layout"
The KACE SMA version is the 10.208
The Column name to order is State