
Kace SMA storage question

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My SMA VM is built 1TB on image however my data storage for the SMA keeps growing. Every few weeks I keep adding more storage to the data storage/. It complains about the sma running out of disk space. Now my data storage for Kace is at 6TB. Any ideas?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: KevinG 2 years ago
Red Belt

This is a VMware Infrastructure issue.  I believe that you will find that at some point in time.
Someone took one or more snapshots. You may want to look at the deletion and/or consolidation of snapshots.

  • I usually take a snapshot before upgrade then delete them. - bozadmin 2 years ago
Posted by: Hobbsy 2 years ago
Red Belt

What version is your SMA on?

And what version is SMA did you originally provision when you started out your KACE journey??

  • I am currently on 11.1 but have been using Kace 10 years. I believe I started with version 4 maybe. The current sma is a new built on 11.1 ovf. - bozadmin 2 years ago
Posted by: barchetta 2 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

This sounds to me like your patching catalog is set to download all updates no matter if they are missing or not.  Perhaps not just Windows but also Dell updates. The other possibility I can think of is you have a script which uploads to the device (in the SMA) and it is uploading large files frequently.  If I remember KACE SMA never deletes them or if it does it is not very often or something like that.  

There may be other possibilities but these come to me right now. If I think of more I will pop them in here.  If you have been using kace for 10 yrs somehow I doubt you have made this mistake though.

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