KBE Manipulator error - WAIK and ADK
I know the release note for of the KBE Manipulator states you can’t have WAIK installed. I have uninstalled it and have 8.1 ADK installed but the KBE Manipulator still gives me the warning about not having both installed and so I can’t use it.
What is it checking to see if the WAIK is installed? Any workaround?
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How did you download a version of KBE Manipulator that supports ADK? - jessefrase 10 years ago
I'm running the 3.6 RC so that probably allows it. - theatrebyte 10 years ago
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11 years ago
check in the program files or (x86) directory for the existance of the "Windows AIK" directory yet.
Not sure if the 8.1 adk works though, I am still using the 8.0 adk to upload 8.1 images with.
Ah, so it turns out there still was a Windows AIK folder hanging around. I've deleted it and now KBE runs including using 8.1.
Now I have a build error. ("Not a directory" error) Will do some research and start a new thread if needed. - theatrebyte 11 years ago