Limit Users' Network Drive Storage Space??
This might be a long shot...
Is there a way to limit the size of a network drive on a PC with the K1000? If so, can an automatic alert pop up when the user logs on telling the user their network drive has x amount of storage space left? We have a login script that connects users' network drives as an "H:" drive. If there is a way for the K1000 to recognize the H: drive and set limits to it, we could better control the users' storage space.
Answers (1)
You can handle this with the windows quota level. I personally would keep it on the storage server/AD level with the disk quotas.
With the KACE you can notify or run a script regarding of the filling and reading it out, but not really limiting it.
A good Idea would be a a Custom Inventory Rule like ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c wmic logicaldisk get size,freespace,caption | findstr H: )
(maybe the command fsutil volume diskfree h: may be more effective in that case)
Then you can create labels from it to notify admins and users.
Thanks! Just gotta figure out the CIR :) - edullum 5 years ago