Limiting an instance of an application/executeable running
Hi All;
We use a web based ERP solution that uses Internet Explorer. We would like to limit the computer to run only one instance of 'iexplore.exe' at a time. I had been poking around our ver 6 K1000 and have not been able to see an easy way. Would it be a script?
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opening ie by itself starts one instance of iexplore.exe and every tab starts another. so just to have 1 tab open uses 2 instances of iexplore.exe - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Understood, but when our users get mixed up while using the software and whatnot throughout the day and often have multiple windows open and data entered in one often impact the other so we are looking for a way to ensure that only one window of IE is open, regardless of the tabs. - CPAC 10 years ago
I think it would be easier to limit connections per station to the server. Metering can limit the number of ie session running from all users but I do not think it can limit what a user can have open of the same exe, it just adds to to total allowed count. - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
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