Looking for some good mySQL information.
Since becoming the KACE "go to" guy its become painfully obvious that I need to add some mySQL skills to the inventory. While it is great to post and have it answered, at some point I would like to be answering the questions instead of posting them. (In time padawan) Anyway suggestions for (recommended) links, resouces and training would be appreciated. The company even "offered" training......might have to take them up on that one.
Yes John I have read your blog....twice
Answers (3)
http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/ http://mysqlresources.com/tutorials http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-resources.aspx http://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/index.htm http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/k1000-reports-advanced-mysql-query-techniques-parsing-multiple-substrings-from-a-field-using-temporary-tables http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/k1000-reports-querying-and-reporting-on-network-printer-error-and-status-codes http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/k1000-custom-ticket-rules-using-an-inline-view-to-query-update-tables-in-one-pass http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/k1000-custom-ticket-rules-closing-parent-tickets-automatically-when-all-child-tickets-are-closed
Along with John's post this helped me http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp
Along with a lot of trial and error. Download the workbench and take a look at it. I would recommend adding a LIMIT 5 to the end of your queries you are unsure of. This will limit the results. I've had some that have brought my Kbox down.
Also when someone asks a reporting question on here see if you can do it on your own Kbox. That's where I learned the most. - dugullett 11 years ago
Yea, familiar with the trial and mostly error part. Any particular version of workbench? - gargone 11 years ago
I'm using 5.2.47 right now. Which I believe is still the latest. I like this version because if you do have a typo/error it will actually underline it in RED. If anything get it as far as you can, and then post your query here. A lot of times others can explain why it's not getting the results you want.
One thing John did share is that Google searches start everything with MYSQL + <task you need>. That usually gets some good results. - dugullett 11 years ago
Just downloaded it. working on getting it connected to the K1. - gargone 11 years ago
In case you need it: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/can-i-access-the-k1000-appliance-database-using - jknox 11 years ago
Got it...and thanx. - gargone 11 years ago
Note about W3schools. They're great MOST of the time, but be warned that they have also been shown to have incorrect information, and are in no way affiliated with the actual W3C.
But for most things W3schools is a great tool to learn MySQL & several web languages.
See http://w3fools.com/ - Ultimation 11 years ago
Here are a few good ones.
Thank you sir.... - gargone 11 years ago
Yes sir! Also once workbench is running take some of the kace stuff and paste it in. Play around with it by making changes to it etc and see how stuff works that way. Its a great resource - jdornan 11 years ago
This is somewhat dated but helped alot.
http://www.fatepublishing.com/uploads/5/8/9/3/5893663/033010-dbaccesswalkthrough.pdf - gargone 11 years ago -
Should provide hrs of fun.....thanx. - gargone 11 years ago
All good links except the last one...page not found. - gargone 11 years ago
weird... click mysql on the menu bar above and it takes you to the same page but works - jdornan 11 years ago
yea figured that out about 3 seconds after I clicked the comment button. - gargone 11 years ago
I'm assuming you're referring to my primer blog. I've written/analyzed other techniques in these others, they might help give you some ideas. Others' queries (and query requests) tend to be the best resource for doing things, and there's quite a supply here already on ITNinja. My advice - if you don't understand something in a query, Google the term/function and play with it until you do.
Ultimately, though, the best learning tool is searching on Google for what you're specifically trying to do and then playing with the MySQL Query Browser (or equivalent). Honestly, that's all I do - figure out what I want to do, Google to try and find a way to do it, play with a simplified query until I understand the mechanics, and then work up to the full query (often with multiple transitional queries).
Any specific questions, just let us know.
* I should note that GillySpy actually has a ticket rule that fully works for what I was trying to accomplish with this last one. I'm not the master of ticket rules (still have to sort out a couple of points...), but the approach and overall strategy are still worthwhile to read for the query tricks.
Also, for what it's worth (and this is probably obvious if you read through my early posts), I've never had training on SQL. It's all been learning through play - my favorite way to learn. ^_^
John - jverbosk 11 years ago -
I actually have your blog saved on my desktop. Yea, its rather good to have a PhD in Google. I appreciate all the info and effort, I assure you it wont go to waste..... - gargone 11 years ago
Also, I'm pretty sure I included this in the primer blog, but the MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual is a great place for finding functions, syntax and examples (particularly the posts at the bottom of each manual page, where others share their solutions). For example, here's the page on string functions, which I referenced very frequently while writing up my Advanced SQL article:
My K1100 is running version 5.1.54 of MySQL, you can determine your own by running:
from the MySQL Query Browser. Probably the same, but you never know. ^_^
John - jverbosk 11 years ago