
Machine Smart label Issue after upgrade to 5.5

I had three machine smart labels setup ( BF VM's, BF PC's and BF Call Center) before upgrading our K1000 to 5.5.90548. Before the upgrade the Virtual machines with the BF Vm's label were not being added to the BF PC's labels and BF Call center machines/labeled machines were not being added to the BF PC's label. After the upgrade im getting smart labeled machines from the BF call center get the BF call center label and the BF PC's label and BF VM"s are also getting the BF PC's label. I set this up to focus our patchs and distribution but now at a stand still. I deleted the three labels, created the BF VM's label again which was working as expected till i created the BF PCs label again using IP address with matches RegEX and telling it to exclude label names but im getting machines with the BF call center and the BF PC's label.....can anyone help. Im looking to create a label for our entire Campus using IP's and exclude thre machines with the label BF Call Center and BF Virtual machines.


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Answers (3)

Posted by: Eray 10 years ago
Yellow Belt

Do the other labels also have the "does not contain" clause for the 2 other labels?  It could be the label order, go to the smart label list and under choose action pick order labels.  It may be that this one is simply applying itself first before it gets to the others since they look for labels at each check in.

Posted by: kevin.j.reagan@gmail.com 10 years ago
White Belt

This is how I read the screen shot provided.

If FirstLine and SecondLine and Thirdline are true, then match

Or if any condition from the fourth line down are true, then match

English: If it is not a virtual and it is not a call center and it is in the first subnet, match it, or if it is any of the remaining subnets (no matter what labels it is a member of), match it.

If that was not the intent, maybe all the subnets should be contained in a group.

Posted by: MacDude 10 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

With that many OR statements you could just match the last one and the whole trail of logic would kick over to True. So, you need to take advantage of the "Group" feature. It looks like you want to say:

A and B and (C or D or E or F or G or H) 

to do this, you need to make the first two lines the way you have them, then 'Add Group' after that with the OR statements. This will insert parenthesis around the OR clauses and allow the logic you want.

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