Naming of computer after deployment of image K2000
I have used the get \ setcomputername method.
with a prompt for the computername when you start the deployment of the image.
and the setcomputername_x64 as a post instalation task after the deployment of the image (before the reboot)
But it doesn't work, I am getting up the computername of the image and not the one i inserted in the Dialog box.
I have followed the readme file that comes with the files and everything seems to be in the correct order.
can anyone please help me with this.?
Answers (2)
Make sure the set computer name is toward the end of your midlevel tasks
Are you using the latest version?
Thanks for the input mate, it actually seems like I have an old version of the application.
I will test the newest one and see if that works better. - mana 12 years ago
I updated the get\set aplications in k2000, but it still doesn't work.
the prompt for computer name comes in the start of the deplot image, but it still doesnt set the computername correctly after the deployment of the image.
What other mid level tasks do you have, and in what order are they running? I would make sure the set computer name is toward the end of your midlevel tasks. - dugullett 12 years ago