Need help tweaking a script to detect and install KACE agent version 5.5.25198 through GPO.
I am trying to finish a script that will run through GPO that will detect if the KACE agent is installed and which version is installed. I have run into a snag and my script seems to be failing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
REM Setting default variables
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
SET SW32=%systemdrive%\Temp\KACE
SET LOG=%SW32%\ampagent_%computername%.log
SET MSI=ampagent-5.5.25198-x86.msi
SET FINDER=C:\Windows\System32\find.exe
REM Setting agent variables
IF EXIST %KACE_XML_55% ((ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Agent already installed, checking version...>>%LOG% & CALL :CHKINST)
ELSE ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Agent not installed. Calling Installer...>>%LOG% & CALL :INSTALL
REM Checks if and which agent(s) is installed
FOR /f "tokens=3 delims=>< " %%a IN ('TYPE C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\inventory.xml ^| FIND "<CLIENT_VERSION>"') DO SET AgentVersion=%%a
IF %AgentVersion% EQU 5.5.25198 (SET AgentOK=1 & ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - KACE Agent Version 5.5 found.>>%LOG%)
IF %AgentOK% EQU 0 (ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - KACE Agent needs to be updated. Calling Installer...>>%LOG% & CALL :INSTALL)
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Installing v5.5...>>%LOG%
IF NOT EXIST %SW32% (ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Creating "%SW32%"...>>%LOG% & MKDIR %SW32%)
IF NOT EXIST %SW32%\%MSI% (ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Copying "%SW32%\%MSI%"...>>%LOG% & CALL :MOUNT & COPY W:\%MSI% %SW32%\%MSI%)
start /wait msiexec.exe /qn /i %SW32%\%MSI% HOST=kace1200
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - v5.5 Agent install complete.>>%LOG%
ECHO Pausing for 1 minute & ping -n 60 >null
NET USE W: /delete
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - Mounting W:\ drive...>>%LOG%
IF EXIST W: ( ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - W:\ drive in use. Exiting...>>%LOG% & GOTO :EOF )
NET USE W: \\\netlogon\util\KACE
IF NOT EXIST W: ( ECHO %DATE% %TIME% - W:\ drive failed to mount. Exiting.>>%LOG% & GOTO :EOF
Answers (3)
Can you not just enable automatic updates for the agent? You can also run a report for what versions your machines currently have.
We have automatic updates currently enabled. The reason for the script is to re-install the agent in the case that people remove it on their own. I cant just blanket install on every machine which is why I am trying to write the logic into the script to determine if the agent is already installed and if it is the current version or not. - jparkins 10 years ago
Since it's an msi installer, wouldn't it be easier just to check its registry footprint?
I'm thinking HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Uninstall\<your productcode>\DisplayVersion or something similar
or even simpler, just run it and catch a 1638 exit code (indicating another version is already installed)