
Need to Uninstall Chrome version 89 and install version 86 also stop it from autoupdating using SCCM

we are running an application called LEAP which is giving issues on the latest chrome version 89 but runs perfectly fine on version 86. Using SCCM i need to uninstall version 89, install version 86 and then also stop it from autoupdating( checking to see what's the best way to do this)
can someone please suggest what would be the steps to uninstall version 89 and then install version 86 of chrome using SCCM ?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: TheITNooB 3 years ago
Orange Belt

I am not familiar with SCCM since I use KACE but info below should help you out

Also if not using already, might want to look into using Chrome Enterprise: https://chromeenterprise.google/browser/ 

1. Uninstall chrome: You can uninstall chrome with this command, Note this will uninstall all versions:

wmic product where "name like 'Google Chrome'" call uninstall /nointeractive

2. Unless you have the version 86 installer exe/msi already i dont think Google offers previous versions for download

Chrome enterpise might work with downgrading: https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/7125792?hl=en#zippy=%2Cbefore-you-begin%2Cstep-optional-contact-support%2Cstep-downgrade-chrome 

I personally have not done this so I dont know anymore info other than the link I found

3. Stop updates: you can get this done with disabling the update service. Be advised you might want to get this turned back on so that your chrome is on a more secure version in the future. 

command line i believe should be: 

sc config gupdate start= disabled

sc stop gupdate

Posted by: dreet88 3 years ago
White Belt

You can get versions of Chrome that you need if you don't have them at https://www.slimjet.com/chrome/google-chrome-old-version.php

Did you deploy Chrome initially with SCCM? if yes, there will be Chrome package probably in SCCM Software Library/Application Management. If you do not have a Chrome package in there, it is easy to build. Follow the steps here https://www.prajwaldesai.com/deploy-chrome-browser-using-configmgr/ 

This package you create you can set deployment settings window where it says "Action" to deploy as uninstall or install. 

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