Patching & Replication - error on signature download
I'm running into errors when doing a 'detect' on remote sites with a replication share. I've called KACE support, and he thinks it could be a problem with my label - but then we create a new one and it gives errors still - so he says I just need to play around with it, which shouldn't be the solution.
Here is how my replication server is setup. It replicates just fine, though:
Any suggestions? Some of them "complete", while others give the error download signature message.
edit: solution
annnnnddddddd that's the answer, ladies and gentlemen! It was Windows 7 limiting 20 connections. I feel stupid not thinking of this earlier, but I chose WIndows 7 because it's a low resource OS to serve such a limited function. I guess Server is required for replication shares of 20+ computers.
Answers (5)
I ran into the same issue until I got my replication shares working. See if these might help:
Patching via K1000 Slow? Lots of Errors/Failures? Try Replication Shares
Determining If Patches Pulled From Replication Share or K1000
Tracking Processes on Machines during Patching, Managed Installs & Scripts
Still having issues with this. It's weird - a PC will have a signature error, but not all of them. Some will work. However, if I go to one that had an error, and just run a detect on that individual machine, it will work. But once I put my smart label in there, the majority will give errors. The machine smart label works fine for everything else.
I know this sounds stupid - but I share the "K1000" folder which is where it replicates to the replication share. In Windows 7, it has a limit of "20 simultaneous users" that can use the share at once. Could that be why?? - sfigg 12 years ago
each machine attaches the same as a user would and eats a connection, so that could be it. Can you get where there are less then 20 stations attaching to a share and see if it goes away, then fire up 4-5 more and see if it returns - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
I had 5 that were failing, and I test detected just those 5 instead of a whole label, and they all worked. I assume that may be it, so I just went ahead and deleted the Windows 7 VM replication, and I'm putting up Windows Server 2008 R2 since I think it has a lot more connections available. - sfigg 12 years ago
annnnnddddddd that's the answer, ladies and gentlemen! It was Windows 7 limiting 20 connections. I feel stupid not thinking of this earlier, but I chose WIndows 7 because it's a low resource OS to serve such a limited function. I guess Server is required for replication shares of 20+ computers. - sfigg 12 years ago
yea 2008 allows slightly more connections
Windows Server 2008 provides support for more than 64,000 wildcard ports
Additionally, a special socket option is passed to enable the same wildcard port to be used across multiple IP addresses. Up to 60,000 dynamic ports may be used per IP address - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago -
mark this as answered and put in the solution so you get the ninja points - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
If the tech did not provide you the help needed, call back and ask to be elevated to another tech.
Are the clients pointed to the RSA or the K1000?
The clients should be pointed to the RSA - sfigg 12 years ago
Here is another link on that - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago -
You can look at the smmp.conf file and make sure it is pointed to the correct box in there. In the Kace directory. - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago