
Prepopulate Category through HTTP Post or Get (or some other method)?

Trying to create a link that takes users to our ticketing system with certain options prepopulated (for example, the category).  While I realize you can create templates, I am trying to avoid having to do this.  Is there a way to pass an argument to KACE (such as via HTTP Post) that will automatically populate field(s) with certain selections?

For example, I know you can select a queue by adding this to the end: https://kace.domain.tld/userui/ticket.php?QUEUE_ID=2&SERVICE_ID=0 or using a template https://kace.domain.tld/userui/ticket.php?QUEUE_ID=6&TICKET_TEMPLATE_ID=3 (again, trying not to go this route as I want a single option for users to remove any confusion).

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Ryan, I'm sure you have a great reason for wanting to do this, but can you explain in a bit more detail as to what you are trying to achieve please? - Hobbsy 4 years ago

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