
Update Printer IP using cscript or kace.

We have printers that we are attempting to change the IP address of.   The printer models are the same.  However, the IP will change.   I am looking for  a way in kace to do this automated or cscript.  Thoughts?

Thanks in advance...


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Answers (5)

Posted by: AmberSDNB 7 months ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

How are you currently installing the printers for end users?

Posted by: mlands 7 months ago
Senior White Belt

I moved away from ps1 as I was unable to get around invoking execution bypass.

I am now using cscript.   It will remove the printers, but now it will not re-add.  However, if I kick off the script from Kace, the printers do not add.

' Add printer driver

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objShell.Run "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\prndrvr.vbs"" -a -m ""Canon iR-ADV C5550/5560 UFR II"" -i ""\\ulmfile\it\Installs\Drivers\printers\CanonIRAc5550i\UFRII_V30.30_Set-up_x64\Driver\CNLB0UA64.INF""", 0, True

' Add printer ports

objShell.Run "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Prnport.vbs"" -a -r -h -o raw -n 9100", 0, True

objShell.Run "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Prnport.vbs"" -a -r -h -o raw -n 9100", 0, True

' Add printers

objShell.Run "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Prnmngr.vbs"" -a -p ""Printer 1"" -m ""Canon iR-ADV C5550/5560 UFR II"" -r """"", 0, True

objShell.Run "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Prnmngr.vbs"" -a -p ""Printer 2"" -m ""Canon iR-ADV C5550/5560 UFR II"" -r """"", 0, True

' Add another printer driver

objShell.Run "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\prndrvr.vbs"" -a -m ""RICOH MP C6003 PCL 5c"" -i ""\\ulmfile\it\Installs\Drivers\printers\HoustonPrinter\Ricoh Copier - z73961en\disk1\OEMSETUP.INF""", 0, True

' Add another printer port

objShell.Run "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Prnport.vbs"" -a -r -h -o raw -n 9100", 0, True

' Add another printer

objShell.Run "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Prnmngr.vbs"" -a -p ""Printer4"" -m ""RICOH MP C6003 PCL 5c"" -r """"", 0, True

' Open printer control panel

objShell.Run "Control Printers", 0, True

' Exit script


Directory $(KACE_SYS_DIR)File $(KACE_SYS_DIR)Parameters //nologo $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Add_Network_Segmented_Printers.vbs

  • Assuming you're not using a print server and these are pretty much unmanaged? - AmberSDNB 7 months ago
Posted by: mlands 7 months ago
Senior White Belt

Correct, we only have 5 total printers but a hand full of users that go between locations

  • You said " It will remove the printers, but now it will not re-add. However, if I kick off the script from Kace, the printers do not add."

    Little confused by this, does it work when you run it manually? Just not through Kace? By your description, it doesn't sound like manual run works either. - AmberSDNB 7 months ago
Posted by: mlands 7 months ago
Senior White Belt

I figured out the issue.   I was kicking off a .vbs file.  In the file I was using the shortcuts $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR) which the script did not know only Kace did.

This brings me to my next question, can you run .vbs directly from Kace vs kicking off a file?  

The issue is that if you kick off a vbs, your directory will constaintly change based on the job #.  For instance, if you kick off a VBS script using $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\yourscriptname.vbs, when you go to reference other files, those file cannot be referenced in the script as $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\filename.   It seems that you have to do a tmp directory of sorts and push the files for Kase to work.

I am simply trying to find a way around that.  I hope that helps.

  • Glad you figured it out.

    You could do -
    Launch a program...
    Directory: C:\Windows\System32
    File: cscript.exe
    Parameters: $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\prndrvr.vbs -a -m "Canon iR-ADV C5550/5560 UFR II"

    But you would have a bunch of 1 liners and I'm not sure how you would evoke the first line of your script, which would probably break the rest of the script. (Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"))

    Your best option is probably to zip up the 3 vbs files (prndrvr.vbs, prnmngr.vbs, prnport.vbs) into a single file. (for example, print-vbs.zip)

    Then do an unzip as the first task.
    unzip a file...
    Directory: $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)
    File: print-vbs.zip
    Target: C:\Temp (make sure this folder exists, or choose a different directory)

    Then change your vbs script lines with KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR to point to that target folder instead and run your script as task 2.
    "cscript ""$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Prnport.vbs"" -> "cscript ""C:\temp\Prnport.vbs"" - AmberSDNB 7 months ago
Posted by: mlands 7 months ago
Senior White Belt

Nice .. will try this.. thank you....


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