
Program for locating nearest Pharmacy in C# programming

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Hi there,

I need to create an app as part of my project. For that I have to create an Windows phone app wherein I have to find the nearest located pharmacy with my current location through the app and have to make sure that the medicine which i want is available in the pharmacy.The code should be in C# programming.I am using Microsoft visual studio2010 for windows phone but I am unable to write the code.Can somebody help me with this.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: elgoosea 12 years ago
Yellow Belt

I've never done and Windows Phone programming, but from what I have seen it doesn't look to bad, however with that being said learning programming can take time and is very valuable. I'm still learning about programming and this is quite an undertaking for even an intermediate programmer. I've included some links to MSDN sites that include several videos on C# programming and Windows Phone Programming with C#. Hopefully this will help you out. This has actully inspired me to look into some C# work with location services.




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