
Push Patch using Kace to Dell XP and Win 7 laptops

I am new to using Kace and the patch enviornment period. I am trying to use case to push a patch to the laptops. I go to Security - Patch Listing and chose the patches I want to push. i then Click on Choose action - Apply Label and Choose the label with the computer I would like for them to be pushed to. Then I go to inventory chose computer name and select force update.


What I am trying to do is test 3 patches ( any 3 patches). Have them pushed to the lapotp and be able to verify that it ia there. I then want to be able to do a role back of that patch.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: jknox 11 years ago
Red Belt


Create a label by selecting your 3 patches and clicking Choose Action>Add Label

Under your patch schedule, use the label you created in "Limit Deploy To
Selected Patch Labels".

Add your test machine to "Limit Run To Machines" or create a test label.

A rollback is another type of patch schedule and isn't really any different.  Just be aware that not all patches support rollback.

  • Thank you jnox

    I am doing just that. My problem is when I go to programs and look at installed update it does not show in there. I am attempting to do a patch for Definition update Microsoft KB982726 for Win 7, Microsoft Visio update 2010 32 Bit for Win 7, and Security Update office 2003. No matter how many time I do the push it does not show up.

    I need to be able to show that the push worked. - Nicholsonva 11 years ago
    • To find the patch listing itself, go to Inventory>Software>View By>Type>Patch Software.

      On the computer, the patch will show up in computer inventory under Software>Installed Patches via Inventory.

      You can use the built-in reporting wizard to show which machines have the patch installed. There are also some preconfigured reports that may be helpful. I'd start with "For each Patch, what machines have it installed". - jknox 11 years ago

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