
Running Executable from K1000, Strange Path

I am running this with success on the majority of our 450 - 32 bit Windows 7 PCs but some of them take a strange path, and those actually fail even though the logs don't indicate failure.  Why are some of these taking a strange path?

 C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\tmp\uucp6nd8\packages\kbots\315\WDFileAudit.exe : (2) The system cannot find the file specified.

 Instead of...

 'C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\190\WDFileAudit.exe' '' wait='false'

8 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • almost sounds like rights issue with the kbots directory. have you tried to remove the kace client, delete the kace directory if it does not and reinstall? - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • not yet, but I will give that a try - wd_bs 11 years ago
  • Uninstalled, deleted the KACE dir,reinstalled, same problem. Error creating process: C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\tmp\huhsrnlz\packages\kbots\319\WDFileAudit.exe : (2) The system cannot find the file specified. - wd_bs 11 years ago
  • try temp disabling AV/windows defender, etc to see if it is blocking the exe for some reason - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • It's not, the executable I am trying to run is on the client, but in a different Kace directory. - wd_bs 11 years ago
  • We have the same issue.

    Same Script run on separate machines two different results.

    working path.

    Error path.

    We have checked the AV and have found no Blocking. The Kace Agent is current and up to date. - jander32 10 years ago
    • what are the rights to the kace kbots_cache dir? - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
  • Full control for both System and Administrators, - jander32 10 years ago
  • I think the issue coming from the files you attachced to "Dependencies".

    It happened to me the same thing. I found out the issue coming from the way the zip file that we created and attached to the Dependencies. I did not specify correct path in "Scripting"

    I zipped the files at the parent folder of all files and attached zipped folder to Dependencies. So when the zip is unzipped, it is put the parrent folder in the same location of the zip folder.

    Here is the command I called in the Script

    The correct command is "$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\LawsonSoftware\InstallLawsonSoft.vbs". - CodyNguyen 10 years ago

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