Simple question - Deploying VBS/BAT to label
It's been a few months since I've had to use the K1000 since we've been in full-out imaging/K2000 mode for a while. Now that I've been put in charge of most KBOX deployments, I want to know what you guys think the best way of deploying a VBS script to a set of machines is.
We just deployed 500 machines that were set to sysprep...and unfortunately, after sysprep the WOL "let this device wake machine" setting on the NIC is disabled. I have a VBS script that I would like to deploy to those machines the next time they check in.
What is the best procedure for deploying a simple VBS or BAT file one time upon next check-in, then not do it again to that machine?
Answers (3)
This is what I would do, but with Kace there's always about 8 ways to accomplish your task.
Run an Offline Kscript.
Make sure to check mark "Enabled"
Select your new label under "Limit Deployment to Selected Labels".
Select your OS.
Select your Schedule options. I would probably use "run at next client check in" in your case. I also usually set to run every 8 hours.
(upload your vbsscript)
(This step checks for a reg key, file, version number. Since I haven't seen your script I'm going to assume it's changing a reg key. If your script does not set anything obvious then have it create a reg key.)
Verify a registry Value is exactly... Key: HKLM\Software\Kace Name: Test
Equal To: 1
On Success
Log Message.... Reg key is already set.
(This is the step that is taken if the verify step is not equal to in this case the reg key does not exist.
Launch a program... Directory :$(KACE_SYS_DIR) File: csript.exe Parameters: $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\script.vbs
On remediation Success
Log message ..... Script is successful.
On remediation Failure
Log message ..... Script has failed.
Once the reg key is set by your script then the next time the machine checks in it will verify that key is "whatever" and if it is it will just log a message, and not run again.
They have answered this but for the future:
If you are all Dell machines, think about adding the CCTK to your pxe boot and your images. That will allow you to make changes to the bios during imaging and when the OS is up and running. Allows quick fixes when a oops happens, I had a tech leave a classroom booting nic 1st then hdd, I was able to do a push to the machines and change the boot order via CCTK commands.
I have even added this to my academic post task in the k2000 to prevent it on new machines
"c:\program files\dell\cctk\x86\cctk.exe" bootorder --sequence=hdd.1,hdd.2,embnic,usbdev,cdrom --valsetuppwd=************ - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago