Smart Label inconsistancey
OK. So I have a labels D-Desktops (All subtype = Desktop) and D-Laptop (All subtype = Laptop).
If I go under inventory and devices and use "smart label" option to display lets say everything with subtype "Laptop". I get a result of 127. But if I go to home->label management -> label, and home->label management -> smart labels and select D-Laptop, I only see 113. I did forced Inventory on entire inventory, and I made labels yesterday but still it does not seem to be fully updates. Anyone have any ideas what is going on and how to resolve it?
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If you sort the device list by "Last Inventory", do you have any devices that are far behind ? - AdamiteDK 6 years ago
For setting a stricter schedule for a certain group of devices based on a label, it might be possible through scripts. I'm not certain what the most optimal way of performing this would be, but you could perhaps duplicate the original inventory script ("/adminui/kbot.php?ID=4"), adding the intended label to the duplicated script instead of "All Devices" and changing the schedule to the interval you want for those specific devices.
Also note that if a device is not connected (Status) to Kace, an inventory cant be performed for that device and the smartlabel can therefore not be applied. - AdamiteDK 6 years ago