SNMP Data Location
Where does the Kace appliance store the SNMP data in the database. I'm trying to create a report to pull snmp data that we have gathered from our printers.
using a K1000 version 12.1.168
Answers (2)
The table is in the DB ORGx, the DB table is ASSET_DATA_5 the column name is FIELD_????
See table ORG1.SNMP_INVENTORY_OIDS for more info.
You will most likely want to select from ORG?. MACHINE and join ASSET_DATA_5
I saw data in the ASSET_DATA_5 table but it was missing some of the SNMP data I was expecting to see. I am grabbing serial numbers from printers but they are not in that table. I can see them in the asset detail screen inside of Kace.
Is there anywhere else the data may be stored? - dsekely79 2 years ago
Top Answer
So if you are using agentless to capture data via snmp, the KACE SMA will first create an inventory record, just as the agent would for a device. You map the data into those fields in the inventory. Just as with the agent, when the inventory record is created an associated asset record, of asset type device is created and linked to the inventory item.
So to answer your question, if you mapped the serial number into the inventory then you will find that data in the MACHINE table of the database. Any data you created or stored in the associated asset will be found in the ASSET_DATA_5 table
Thank you for the explanation. - dsekely79 2 years ago