Software filter or reporting by device
I need to know how many devices each software is installed on, disregarding inactive devices (K1000). I created a smart label with all the inactive devices and tried to filter the software disregarding the devices within this label, and i didn't succeed. Can you help me, please?
Answers (1)
You wouldn't want to use a smart label for this because they only get applied when a computer checks in. Because of that, a computer will get the label when it checks in, and the label will stay applied to the machine after it is turned off (or loses its connection). The effect would be that all machines would have the smart label applied.
What are you trying to accomplish by applying a label only to machines that have an AMP connection?
The label is not for machines that have AMP connections. The label will be used to identify how many machines each software is installed. - 2 years ago