
SQL Query to run a Report on Service Desk Tickets


Management have asked to too run a monthly report on the following - Any help will much appreciated

All tickets for a specified month by Priority.
information to be shown is 
Submiter username
Ticket ID
Modified - But what they want to see the first time the owner of the ticket modified the ticket, not the last
Time closed

Please can anyone help or point me in the right direction as i have minimal SQL experience

4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • When you say by priority do you mean that priority should be one of the columns and the report should be sorted on that column? - chucksteel 8 years ago
  • report should be sorted by Priority, all tickets that are High, Medium and Low as a Header Breaker - hitesh.premji 8 years ago
  • "the first time the owner of the ticket modified the ticket"
    So the first time the first owner did anything to the ticket, other than being assigned to it? What about if someone besides the owner (e.g. approver) updates the ticket before that? Or what if the only action of the 'first' owner is to assign it to another user? - JasonEgg 8 years ago
  • Managers want to see how quickly IT reacted to the a ticket coming in. Only possible owners to the ticket are IT Members. So they want to see the first course of action they took to acknowledge the request - hitesh.premji 7 years ago

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