SQL Report for Resolution time each month
I will preface this with I am not very good with SQL I understand enough to modify pre-existing statements to fit my need.
I'm looking for any assistance on creating a report that shows the average resolution time for each month. I'm currently using the below SQL but I can't seam to figure out how to get the average time for each month.
SELECT (case when TIME_CLOSEDDATE_ADD(IF(TIME_OPENED='0',TIME_CLOSED,TIME_OPENED),INTERVAL 24 HOUR) then '>24 hours' else 'error' end ) as CLOSE_GROUP, count(HD_TICKET.ID) as NUMBER_OF_TICKETS, CONCAT((sum(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(TIME_CLOSED,IF(TIME_OPENED='0',TIME_CLOSED,TIME_OPENED))))/count(HD_TICKET.id) div 86400),'d ', TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(sum(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(TIME_CLOSED,IF(TIME_OPENED='0',TIME_CLOSED,TIME_OPENED))))/count(HD_TICKET.id) mod 86400 ), '%kh %im %ss')) as AVG_TIME_TO_CLOSE from HD_TICKET, HD_STATUS where HD_TICKET.HD_STATUS_ID=HD_STATUS.ID and HD_STATUS.NAME='Closed' and TIME_CLOSED<>0 and TIME_CLOSED> (curdate() - interval 1 month) /*change the start date here*/ and HD_TICKET.HD_QUEUE_ID in (1) /*add queue numbers here*/ group by CLOSE_GROUP UNION select 'all' as CLOSE_GROUP,count(HD_TICKET.ID) as NUMBER_OF_TICKETS, CONCAT((sum(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(TIME_CLOSED,IF(TIME_OPENED='0',TIME_CLOSED,TIME_OPENED))))/count(HD_TICKET.id) div 86400),'d ', TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(sum(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(TIME_CLOSED,IF(TIME_OPENED='0',TIME_CLOSED,TIME_OPENED))))/count(HD_TICKET.id) mod 86400 ), '%kh %im %ss')) as AVG_TIME_TO_CLOSE from HD_TICKET ,HD_STATUS where HD_TICKET.HD_STATUS_ID=HD_STATUS.ID and HD_STATUS.NAME='Closed' and TIME_CLOSED<>0 and TIME_CLOSED> (curdate() - interval 1 month) /*change the start date here*/ and HD_TICKET.HD_QUEUE_ID in (1) /*add queue numbers here*/ group by CLOSE_GROUP
I've tried adding this case statement with the others but not having any luck.
when TIME_CLOSED between '2022-01-01 14:15:55' and '2022-01-31 14:15:55' then 'January'
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