Stuck on verify
We have v10.0.209 SMA and we still see jobs taking hours to complete. Job starts at 19:53 and at 23:54 its still on "verify" as the patch status. There were 56 patches detected as missing. About 15 looked to get installed. Does this sound "normal"? Why is it taking hours to "verify"? It appears to others that KACE is getting stuck / not working. Eventually it will probably error out after 8 hours, reboot the server and run it again. This is not really good to do this.
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8 hours to verify then fails. nice. - lama01 5 years ago
Have you run the kace patch mismatch report to see if you get errors on that schedule - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
Yeah. I basically uninstalled the agent wiping out all data, deleted it from kace, and now im re-running patches. - lama01 5 years ago
I don't see that lag on my kbox, mine run in minutes - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
Did the re-run address the issue with that agent? - kbot_cache 5 years ago
every time I run a job on this one server, it fails, error time out. Detect jobs run, take forever but complete. It seems like this happens on some servers, but not all. This particular server is also not using a Rep share. - lama01 5 years ago
What is the error in the kagent.log on that server? - kbot_cache 5 years ago
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