Submitting a ticket
Once our end users have filled out a ticket/request and click on Save, they are presented with another page with a Save option/button. Our users are clicking Save the second time and causing two emails to be genrated. While this does not affect the number of actual tickets/requests, it is confusing for the staff when they see two and sometimes three emails refering to the same ticket/request. Is there a way to change what heppens or where the end user's browser is directed after they click Save for the first time or grey out the Save button so it can't be clicked on again?
Answers (2)
Take a look at your "Email on Events" settings and see how things are set; mine are below.
Also look at your CC list for categories. This can cause duplicates. Finally, check your custom ticket rules if you have any.
If that fails, refer to the Service Desk Admin guide